
Hypocalcaemia in sheep

Hypocalcaemia in sheep Following the long dry summer and extensive grain feeding of sheep, we are seeing numerous cases of hypocalcaemia (milk fever) in Autumn lambing ewes.  Hypocalcaemia (a metabolic disorder) in sheep occurs when there is insufficient intake and absorption of calcium and insufficient resorption from skeletal reserves to meet foetal demands.  The condition develops [...]

Hypocalcaemia in sheep2017-03-30T19:42:01+10:00

Fibre – Do your livestock have enough?

The lack of dry carry over feed (or fibre) from summer means that lush short green pastures are devoid of fibre.  Fibre is extremely important for normal rumen function in ruminants and assists with saliva production, aiding in rumen buffering and mineral absorption.  With cereal hay prices reaching highs of $240-$250/t on farm, cereal straw [...]

Fibre – Do your livestock have enough?2017-03-30T19:42:02+10:00
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